FIt4BABY Bosu Ball.png

One Simple Trick to Help Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

Low back pain is a common symptom of pregnancy. One major reason for that is the extra weight in the front of your body. This extra weight causes your low back to extend and for your core to begin stretching. This natural process of growth puts us at a risky position for low back pain. Our back extensors are small intricate muscles. Without the proper balance of the core, they tire quickly and become achey or fatigued.

On top of strengthening your core and working on posture, there is one EASY trick we tell almost all of our pregnant mamas to do - BUY AN EXERCISE BALL!

Why? An exercise ball can be used all throughout your pregnancy, and even labor. The ball allows you to sit in a wide-legged position, which allows your pelvis to open up and move. From there we recommend doing a few extra movements to help stretch and relieve some back pain.

1) SIT on the ball. From here, you can rock side to side, forward and back, and also do circles. Each movement allows you to stretch and for the baby to move into a better position within your pelvis. Did we mention bouncing on a ball is FUN and a possible way to help progress labor as well. Win/Win

2) ROLL on the ball. This is a great stretch for your upper back. Place your hands/forearms on the ball while on your knees. From there, slowly let the ball roll away from you. You can go straight ahead or out to the side in a "Y" position. With each extension, allow your belly to fall and then contract your core into a flat back or "cat" position a few times before coming back to the start.

An exercise ball can be a great replacement for your work chair. It can also be a huge aid during active labor. They are affordable, they break down for storage, and later on, your kids will love to play with them.

Learn more during our prenatal, FIT4BABY classes.