Low Back Pain in Mothers

Postpartum Low Back Pain and 1 Simple Tip to Prevent It

Low back pain, particularly common among mothers, refers to discomfort or soreness in the lower part of the spine, below the ribcage and above the pelvis. It can range from mild to severe and may be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-lasting). Mothers often experience low back pain due to various factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, lifting and carrying children, prolonged standing, and repetitive motions involved in care-giving tasks.

Management typically involves rest, gentle stretching and strengthening exercises, ergonomic adjustments, heat or cold therapy, over-the-counter pain medications, and in some cases, physical therapy or chiropractic care.

While we work on stretching and strengthening throughout our classes, today we want to focus on one simple ergonomic adjustment that can truly "save your back". We call this tip: 3 Points of Contact.

As mothers we are constantly bending over to pick up kids, move items around on the floor, give baths, lift kids in the carseat, etc. When going throughout your day we want you to focus on supporting your low back. You can do that by taking some pressure off of your low back and hamstrings and transitioned over to your hand or elbow.

3 Points can include your feet, knees, hands, or elbows. A few examples include:

Standing on two feet and reaching out with one hand on the counter to look for that spice or baby toy.

Another example is giving a bath. Prop yourself up on two knees and try to keep one elbow on the side of the bath if not your hand/wrist. Washing with 1 hand may take some time to master, but it will spare your back in the long run.

One more example would be getting up from the floor. Go up on one knee, one foot and hold on to the couch or some furniture close by for balance and support.

Give this simple trick a try and let us know how your low back pain reacts. It's essential for mothers experiencing persistent or severe low back pain to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment as well.