
Mother Runner Spotlight: Paige!

Every month we like to highlight one mama who goes above and beyond in our run club. This month we had the pleasure to interview Paige and learn more about her history and love for the sport.

1) Why do you run?

I run because I love to get outside! I love rhythm, motion, and breathing. Running gives me all these things, and on good days the rhythm puts me in a zone. It clears my mind. Running as a mom, now, has given me a sense of freedom from the chaotic ups and downs of raising kids, a chance for some peace of mind and uninterrupted flow. Before joining run club, I used to pretty much only run by myself. The introvert side of me loves that time to recharge. But in this season of motherhood I was starting to feel that it would be better to spend more time getting to know other moms, and it has been a pleasure becoming familiar with so many new people! Run club has been rewarding in many ways.

2) What is a 'must have' on your runs?

Ever since I started wearing Hoka shoes about 4 years ago, they have been my beloved footwear and -- side note-- I wound up giving birth in a pair of Hokas! (Baby arrived suddenly!) But nowadays I experience less pain in my feet and legs as long as I am wearing Hoka Arahis, in the wide size they offer. I also love wearing Goodr sunglasses, they're light and simple! And when I'm by myself I don't wear a watch, I prefer to leave my phone at home and just lose track of time for a while and go by feel.

3) Do you have a favorite place to run in Billings?

Yes, anywhere on the Rims. I like to drive either to Swords or Zimmerman and treat myself to a gorgeous run.

4) What's one running goal you have this year?

My running goal for this year is to try to help spur plans for a trail run with you mamas up in Red Lodge! There is so much to explore, and at reasonable distances! In a group we will be safe from bears especially because I will be yodeling along the way -- yodelay-he-HOO!

5) Do you have a favorite race you've run?

The Turkey Trot has lately been my favorite race, and it's the one that got me back into running after having kids. It's got charm, a festive time of funny pie hats, turkey costumes, everyone smiling and breathing hard! And there have been years where the weather chills to the bone, but it's still fun.

6) What would you tell someone who is on the fence about joining the FIT4MOM Billings Run Club?

I would say give it a try, there is every type of runner who shows up, from beginner to beyond. We warm-up together, and cool down together. The run itself is pretty self-managed, you can go at your own pace. You can drift between chatting or listening to conversations, or get in your own zone and set a pace for yourself. With running you will start to build endurance. And that endurance yields so many benefits! On Saturday mornings, I love to leave my kids at home, and start the day with other mamas!