Mom Of The Month - June.png

Meet Brianna - June Mom of the Month

Congrats Brianna for winning our Mom of the Month for June. Brianna jumped in with both feet a few months ago and her presence is so positive and uniting. She is always looking to make friends and her kiddos ask to go to class everyday to see their friends too! We asked this amazing mama of 2 a few questions. Keep reading to learn more.


I was born and raised in Billings. My husband was born and raised in Spokane, WA. We have a 2 year old boy and a 3 year old girl.

2) How did you hear about us? I found fit4mom on instagram!

3) What’s your favorite part of FIT4MOM? My favorite class is either body ignite or stroller barre. Stroller barre was a new/fun challenge for me. I had never done a barre class before. I’ve always enjoyed adding weights in to a workout and body ignite is just that.

4) A fun fact about me, is that I got into pickleball a few months ago and I love it!

5) What’s some advice you’d give a new mom? Find your people. Joining fit4mom has helped me so much mentally. Getting out and talking to people who understand what you are going through has changed my life.

Lastly, what is your favorite part about motherhood? I love what motherhood has taught me about myself. It has shown me how strong and capable I am. Also I love getting hugs from kids everyday and their kindness on hard days.

Let’s give Brianna a big round of applause and come say hi to her up in the heights! If she’s not attending class with her kiddos, she is teaching Body Ignite over at Harvest Church on Tuesday Evenings!