Belly Breathing, what is it, and how to do it?
Belly Breathing, aka diaphragmatic breathing, is a scientifically proven way to reduce stress and is a great way to connect with your pelvic floor.
1) Sit comfortably and focus your attention on breathing in through your nose and out through your mother. However, instead of breathing into your chest, concentrate on breathing deeply into your belly (you can place a hand on your abdomen to make sure it's expanding). During this phase, focus on relaxing your pelvic floor on the inhale.
2) Hold your inhales for a couple of seconds.
3) Then exhale fully through your mouth, feeling your belly shrink back in and up. During this phase, focus on contracting your pelvic floor. To contract, imagine picking up a blueberry with your vaginal... trust us, the visual helps. 😉 While you do that, also prevent gas (your pelvic floor wraps all the way around down there).
4) Repeat for at least 10 cycles of breaths.
Got the hang of belly breathing? Now try to incorporate your breathing into movement. Exhale with your contraction. Come check out a FIT4MOM class and practice in person. Your first class is free. Grab your free class pass here.