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5 Tips for "Bigger" Kids at Stroller Strides over the Summer!

June 5, 2022Mary Pust

School is out, which means we are starting to see those big kids back in class and at playdates. We love seeing our school-aged kiddos back at class! Here are 5 tips for easing them back into your class routine.

1. Too big for the stroller? Grab a seat!

If they are too big for the stroller, we recommend bringing a folding chair or mat to bring along so they can SIT NEXT to the stroller during stations and WALK in between stations holding your hand or onto your stroller (We recommend 4 and younger must sit in stroller). For safety, kids cannot be walking around during our cardio and strength stations. The last thing we want is for a kiddo to get runover, injured by a resistance band or a burpee to the face.

2. Pick a special Stroller-Only toy.

Is there a specific toy or object your child LOVES to play with? Try designating some "Stroller Only" toys or creating a "Stroller Toy Bag" for special toys they can look forward to. A little screen time to get through class won't hurt either.

3. Snacks, snacks, and more snacks.

There are a number of days I try to hold off on breakfast until class time. I pack their food and they eat in their stroller. Even if they already had breakfast, I still pack snacks to help distract them during class and "treat" them at different stations.

4. Stroller Switch-eroo

Kids fussy during class? Do they always want you to park next to a friend? Try swapping strollers so kids get a change of pace (You know they always save their best whining for mom!). Trade strollers, trade kids or sit next to a friend in a double. Just don't forget to switch back after class!

5. Ditch the Mom Guilt

Mom guilt is a real thing. Give yourself some grace and don't feel guilty about taking an hour to focus on YOU; and tell your kids that too! Your child(ren) likely has your attention for the majority of the day outside of class, it's okay for them to fuss a little, or even have a little screen time if that's what it takes for you to get through your workout. No judgement here mama. You are amazing!

See you in class!!

<3 Mary (and the boys)